28 October 2010

ATESL Presentation

20's plenty, originally uploaded by Leo Reynolds.

I am presenting next weekend at the ATESL (Alberta Teachers of English as a Second Language) conference in Edmonton. I've always wanted to try the Pecha-Kucha (pronounced peh-CHAKH-cha) format for a presentation - 20 slides of 20 seconds each - for a presentation of 6 minutes and 40 seconds per presenter. You may have heard of similar formats like "Ignite". But the conference planners gave me an hour - so I'm just going to pretend to be 8 presenters and talk about 8 different topics - all theme related but still try out this format. I like the idea that I could then take apart the presentation and share just a piece of it in a staff meeting or participate in a real Pecha-Kucha presentation (possibly at the upcoming Tech Testdrive in the spring). But isn't the photo perfect!! We'll see how it turns out!

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